The Network of Engaged International Donors (NEID Global) is a unique, national peer-to-peer learning network that serves a community of passionate and dedicated philanthropists that are active funders around the world. Since 2008 NEID Global has built a community by creating a space where internationally-focused donors can learn about how to support the Global Sustainable Development Goals and a wide range of global issues. At NEID Global we start with humility. By offering private funders strategic networking, educational opportunities, and information sharing, we strive to support transformational social change. Our members foster equitable partnerships, learn from each other, connect deeply with one another and their granteepartners, inspire each other, and act together to build a world where everyone can thrive.

NEID Global is a peer-to-peer learning
network of passionate & dedicated
global philanthropists.

Enter Relationships with Humility.
Create Equitable Partnerships and Approaches.
Foster Transformational Change.
Since 2020, NEID Global has more deeply and intentionally engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion work within our organization. We began our journey by talking to over 40 individuals involved in equity and diversity work globally and across the country to establish what we might uniquely be suited to do on these issues. We then integrated current critiques of global philanthropy into our programming and made a commitment to showcasing diverse perspectives in all of our programs, especially the views of those who are most proximate to the problems they wish to solve. We also hosted Giving Circles on Global Racial Equity and Indigenous Philanthropy and our grantmaking in all Giving Circles applies trust-based approaches. More recently we hired a DEI consultant to consider diversity, equity and inclusion issues internally. We have refined our hiring practices in order to attract a staff reflecting the diversity of the global community and the places where our members work; our board has affirmed a commitment to making our board and membership more diverse and inclusive; and we are committed to continuing to amplify in our programs the voices of people closest to the issues we highlight.
As an organization, we are committed to continually learning and reflecting on how we are living our values through our work. We hope that you will join us, challenge us, and keep us accountable to those we seek to serve.
At NEID Global we recognize that there are uneven power dynamics globally and disparities in wealth, power, and opportunity around the world. Given the severity with which climate change, migration, pandemics and political upheaval are impacting all communities, there is an urgent need for citizens to understand that our destinies are linked to those in all corners of the world and that we need more equitable systems to improve relationships, response and resilience everywhere.
Addressing global disparities through philanthropy is more than a matter of charity – which, even when well-intentioned, often replicates power imbalances and resource gaps similar to those it intends to solve for. Philanthropy today also requires understanding and a commitment to unwind policies and systems that have and continue to exclude those most marginalized from decision making and deprived them of power over their own lives, futures, and communities. It requires creating a world where everyone -- regardless of their geographic region, socioeconomic status, disability, language, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, or other defining characteristics – is valued, heard, and thrives.
We understand that philanthropists and large international organizations engaging outside of the USneed to be aware of the impact of colonial and post-colonial history on institutions, societies, systems, policies and economies. Rather than dominating or directing the direction of discourse and practice, international actors can and should play an invaluable role in supporting the local changemakers and organizations abroad who are the rightful architects for designing better ways of life in their own communities.
We educate and connect global philanthropists and are dedicated to deepening our members’ understanding of these issues and helping them contribute to communities’ efforts to build societies and create conditions that are equitable and fair.
By amplifying the voices of local leaders through our programs, we show our members how they can support local leaders and enable them to take the lead in determining the future of their own communities. We also encourage our members to support larger international organizations and intermediary grant-makers and to help them build long-term, local, national and regional organizational capacity and leadership to carry out solutions defined by those affected.
We help our members understand how they can support progress on all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and adopt gender/equity/justice lenses in pursuit of systems change.
And finally, we continue to recognize that every philanthropist is on a unique journey, discovering the world’s needs and questioning global power relations and how these shape the effectiveness and sustainability of development efforts. As a philanthropy support organization, we seek not to be dogmatic or prescriptive about approaches to meeting those needs; rather we are supportive of a lifelong journey towards equity, partnership and genuine impact/transformation.