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Power and Equity​
How NEID Global Engages the World

Recognizing and Addressing Power and Equity 


At NEID Global, we recognize the uneven power dynamics and disparities in wealth, power, and opportunity around the world. We are committed to addressing these disparities through philanthropy that goes beyond charity, aiming to unwind policies and systems that have marginalized communities. We educate and connect global philanthropists, deepening their understanding of these issues and helping them contribute to equitable and fair societies.


We amplify the voices of local leaders, encourage support for building long-term local capacity, and help our members understand how they can support progress on all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We recognize that every philanthropist is on a unique journey and aim to support this lifelong journey towards equity, partnership, and genuine impact.

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Power and Equity Programming at NEID Global

Since 2020, NEID Global has intentionally engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion work within our organization and with our members.  We began our journey back then by talking to over 40 individuals involved in equity and diversity work globally and across the country to establish what we might uniquely be suited to do on these issues.  The answer was to educate our members and sensitize them to power and equity issues in global contexts.


We then integrated current critiques of global philanthropy into our programming (from Anand Giridharadas’ Winners Take All to Darren Walker’s From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth to Edgar Villanueva’s  Decolonizing Wealth) and made a commitment to showcase diverse perspectives in the donor education we offer, highlighting especially the views of those who are most proximate to the problems they wish to solve.  We also hosted Giving Circles on Global Racial Equity (Chaired by Dana Francois, W K Kellogg Foundation in 2021), Indigenous Philanthropy (Chaired by Lourdes Inga of the International Funders for Indigenous People in 2022) and Economic Justice (Chaired by Yvonne Moore of Moore Philanthropies in 2023) and our grantmaking in all of our 16 Giving Circles hosted since 2017 apply trust-based approaches in their collective giving. 


Then, in early 2024, we published a report on Racial Equity in Global Philanthropy.  This report was the result of a series of conversations led by Cher-Wen DeWitt which collected recommendations and resources on power and equity from our members and partners serving on NEID's Commission for donors interested in practicing international philanthropy with an equity lens.  This report will be the basis of our Power and Equity Learning series in 2024 and 2025.   


With all of these learnings it is our intention to sensitize our members to important power dynamics  and our own role in shaping these historically. We also intend to expose our members to practices and approaches that can make a big difference in creating more solid relationships with grantees and ultimately lead to more sustainable solutions globally. Our goal is  to equip our members with practical approaches that can easily be translated into action.  We hope you will join us for our next series of events:

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Centering Power and Equity in Philanthropy

Upcoming Programs

Power & Equity Programs
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September 4

An open and reflective discussion on NEID’s recently released Racial Equity Report. The public session will highlight the recommendations of the Commissioners involved in the creation of this report regarding ways global donors can move their work beyond values statements into full operational integration.  Themes addressed in the report include:  local vs. global equity frameworks, how colonial norms continue to manifest in development practices, donor accountability, aligning actions and investments with equity values, and more.

Moderated by Cher-Wen DeWitt, Imagine Worldwide. Purchase Tickets.

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October 9

Many donors have heard the call and are changing how they practice philanthropy by giving directly to local NGOs and providing multi-year support. What does shifting internal and interpersonal mindsets entail? How do we as a global philanthropy sector talk honestly about the structural power dynamics that underlie philanthropic - grantee relationships and how does a donor demonstrate that they desire genuine trusted partnerships with grantees?  What does practicing “charity” vs. “creating equitable partnerships in global philanthropy” entail?  What are some best practices that can help donors go even deeper?

Purchase Tickets.

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November 20

Many believe that in order to change practices in the global philanthropy sector, donors should be more accountable to grantees. The NEID Global report recommendations focused on transparency and decision-making processes. We will also discuss the wider issues related to accountability that relate to how donor/foundation money is made and given away. This session will highlight and explore approaches that donors can adopt to create more accountability in their philanthropic practices.

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December 11

Are your foundation’s endowments or your personal investments in-line with your philanthropic values and practices?  What does aligning your investments with philanthropic values mean in the global context and how can this be accomplished? This session will feature several organizations supporting donors and investors in this space and help them find a way to begin this process.

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January 8

Most of the focus on equity and power in the last several years has been on changing philanthropic practices. This includes modifying criteria for grantseekers and reporting requirements. This session will bring these practices to the forefront and highlight additional ways that donors can further bring equity into their operations.

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February 12

Core to shifting power in philanthropic practice is determining who makes decisions about what gets funded and how. While large institutional foundations are incorporating more diverse staff, traditionally in the family foundation space decisions are made by family trustees. Likewise, grants from Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are recommended by the wealth holders who created those DAFs. The Racial Equity Report discusses several recommendations about diversifying family foundation boards, and how to support diverse staff working within philanthropic institutions. This session will consider what practical steps can be taken to empower diverse leaders, especially those with “lived experience” of problems being addressed, to direct where the money flows.

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"The richness of the network and the willingness both learn and not shy away from the solutions is something that I am very privileged and grateful to have access to and be part of." 

Dana François, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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