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NEID Global’s Giving Circle Program is among its most popular initiatives.


Since 2017 we have hosted 18 Giving Circles, each focusing on a different important global theme that private philanthropy can play a vital and impactful role in. ​

These collaborative efforts have directed more than $800,000 in funding to social changemakers in over 34 countries across the world.

Each Giving Circle offers NEID Global members a seven-month journey that deep dives into a particular issue that our community has expressed an interest learning more about. The original purpose of these circles, was to provide a safe environment for donors new to global philanthropy to learn how to practice international giving with their peers. Our Giving Circles have since evolved and we have found that donors have multiple reasons for joining. Some are looking for a safe environment to learn how to do international philanthropy, but most others are seeking to better understand the issue the Circle is focused on, and are looking for new grantees and partners to co-fund with on that issue.

NEID’s Giving Circles are also unique in that ownership of the circle decisions fully rests with the members of the Circle. Each summer NEID members vote on the themes they would like to explore in the next year’s circles. A member or two with expertise on the issue are then selected to lead the circle, those members that participate in the Circle work together over the seven-month period to narrow the  focus of the theme of the circle and circle participants also formulate the criteria for giving and shape the giving process itself.  At the end of the Circle 2-5 grants are made by Circle members to grassroots organizations around the world.

Most of NEID’s members give to grassroots organizations and thus the Giving Circle grants use trust-based philanthropy approaches and tend to support smaller organizations just getting off the ground.  Grants vary in size from $5,000 - $30,000, are always toward general support and the Giving Circles usually extend two to seven grants at the end of the cycle. Sometimes members also choose to give to grantees they learn about through the Circle community outside of the Circle parameters.


Conservation Giving Circle Flyer - ALL INFO ON SESSIONS AND LINKS added.png

Community-Based Conservation in the Global South


This Circle will explore the history and landscape of community conservation and provide an in-depth examination of the challenges and opportunities facing leaders and organizations working in this space. We will take a deep dive into how land conservation has been supported over the years by local communities and examine what is needed to provide support to these natural landscapes into the future. 

This Circle will begin on January 28th and will run through July 2025. It is co-led by Fred Nelson and Resson Kantai Duff from Maliasili, and Jessica Brown from the New England Biolabs Foundation. Learn more about Maliasili's conservation efforts by watching this video from our 2024 Linkages Conference!



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Using Catalytic Capital to Support Livelihoods


This initiative will examine innovative approaches to deploying catalytic capital - flexible, patient, and risk-tolerant funds - that can drive sustainable solutions for income generation and economic resilience in underserved communities. We will explore how diverse organizations leverage both philanthropic and investment capital to strengthen livelihoods and reduce poverty. This Circle will begin on January 14th and will run through July 2025. It is co-chaired by Sorenson Impact Advisory and Mary Hawkins.



NEID Global Giving Circle Grantees

Community Led Development in India Giving Circle – Led by DASRA


Women as Climate Leaders Giving Circle – Led by Kady Sylla and Monica Carrillo Zegarra of MYRIAD


"We never would have found the amazing, international grantees who lead innovative, locally-led, community efforts in ocean conservation without our NEID giving circle experience. We continue to support some of those grantees today."

Sue and Mark Panella, Individual Member

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